Thursday, July 12, 2012

Not every one fits into the Conservative/Liberal mold. There are many thinking people who consider themselves Libertarians. But many people also think of Libertarians as being on the right side of the Left/Right scale. I have been made aware, by Prof. Rockwell, one of my mentors at Sonoma State University, that Libertarians can also come in left/right flavors. Here is a link to a great paper, written by Dr. Teed Rockwell, Stakeholding and Safety Nets, which is a left-libertarian's response to the philosophy of Robert Nozick.
BTW, Dr. Rockwell is the one who introduced me to the philosophy of Dr. Jeremy Sherman, whose link you can find if you scroll down to my post of Jan. 24, 2012.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

New Fiction short story

I have recently made the crossover transition from published academic writer to published fiction short story writer. My short story "Night of the Madness" was recently published online at Twilight Times Ezine. It will also be included in the FICTION page of my own website when I completely overhaul it in 2015.

Monday, July 2, 2012

My Senior Thesis

      I have just posted my Senior Thesis research paper on my website. Here is a short cut link to it. Property As Commodity and Derivative

      I was one of 7 delegates representing SSU at a CSU statewide research presentation competition at CSU Long Beach in May 2012. Here are the photos from that trip to Southern California. CSULB

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Social Networking

Greetings fellow philosophers. Today I feel slightly vindicated by, ironically enough, Forbes, the magazine of capitalism. You probably remember my rant a few months ago against Facebook. The latest issue of Forbes Magazine has an article by Kym McNicholas: "Ten Reasons Not to Invest in Facebook."

Many of them are the same reasons I had for criticizing Facebook. Ok, most of Forbes' reasons are about why you might not make any money off of it, but at least one reason they gave is that Facebook is useless, it really doesn't do anything new and good, and in fact makes you do bad, stupid things. I already said that, and I also pointed out that you can do better social networking by creating your own blogs and websites, have complete control of your own content and make it look the way you want it to look and do what you want it to do. Also, if you want advertising on your own blog or website, you get paid for your own content. On Facebook, they get paid for your content but you don't see a dime of that.

Ok, 'nuff negativity, here's the positive side of social networking. Two of my talented siblings, Christopher K. Moon, photographer, and Carol Louise Moon, poet, have posted their work on the net. Check it out, friends.


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Worst Election Year in US History???

I watched Newt on TV talking about his ex wife's charges against him. I was so ashamed of the American people for standing up and clapping and cheering this evil freak who has a chance at becoming President of the United States. If any one out there cannot see the threat that Newt and his constituents pose for America's reputation as a clear thinking, civilized nation, then read this website posting by Jeremy Sherman, one of the contemporary epistemologists whom I admire.

Note that in the article there is a link to the video of Newt, for those of you who missed it, and another link to a previous article by Dr. Sherman about psychopaths,written long before Newt displayed this particular example of anti-social personality disorder.