Thursday, January 8, 2015

Remember the Paris 12!
Jews, Christians, and Muslims of the World: Read This and pass it along.

       I feel terribly sad today, reading about the 12 people killed at that Paris satire magazine yesterday. Last week I missed my own self-imposed deadline to post on my blog, but now I am enraged, and the adrenalin is grinding my nose back into the whetstone, sharpening words, not swords.
       Those people killed in Paris yesterday were not carrying weapons or killing any body. Neither were the the people in the twin towers on 9/11. I am not trying to kill anybody, nor do I advocate killing anybody.
      I have a philosophical problem with all political religions; there is nothing spiritual or moral about them, and so I have refrained from calling them out by name. However my liberal cultural sensitivity is now in direct conflict with my moral and spiritual beliefs, and I am wondering if "cultural sensitivity" is just a cover for my cowardice.
       Certain people who subscribe to a certain political religion have declared a violent war against my spiritual and moral sub-culture. I am going to try to continue "cultural sensitivity" for the duration of today's blog post because what I have to say about stupid, superstitious, ignorant, uncivilized religions applies to all stupid, superstitious, ignorant, uncivilized religions. But if there are any more killings of innocents by the time of my next blog post, I will accept the challenge, as did the brave 12 martyrs who died in Paris yesterday. Our words against your swords. Now let us discuss the specific issues, and remember that since I am not naming names,what I have to say applies to all political religions. You know who you are and if the shoe fits....
       Your poor little feeling are hurt because people who have more intelligence, education, spirituality and morals than you, are criticizing your belief system. So, to prove we are wrong and you are right, your religion tells you you have the right to cut off the heads, or shoot, or blow up anybody who disagrees with you. That makes your religion morally superior to mine? I could just rest my case to the jury on that paragraph alone, but my outrage has got me on a roll and I am not going to quit any time soon. You believe you have the right to kill people who disagree with you, but I do not. I mean, I really do not. That would be against my spiritual and moral beliefs.
       I understand that those of you who are not killing people, and who claim that your religion is a peaceful one, are upset at people who subscribe to my moral and spiritual beliefs, because you think we are blaming all of you for the crimes of only a few. I get that, and that is why I have previously refrained from naming names. But understand this jerks, your coreligionists are not only blaming, but killing, innocents for the crimes of others. You claim that your scriptures have divine origin and are therefore absolute. But if that were really true the absolute nature of your religion would prevent you from killing other human beings, and that, obviously is not what is happening. Your religion is political, not spiritual or moral. It can be interpreted by any thug and gang leader to give him or her power over you. And you submit to it because you are cowards. Some of you are even submitting to your leaders by waging violent war against your own kind. One political religion against another political religion. But those "peaceful" persons among you are too cowardly to stand up to your own leaders because it would mean admitting that what you believe in is just ignorant, superstitious nonsense. Instead, you blame us for your troubles. You claim that our civilization is immoral and degenerate, and you are willing to wage war against all of us. Oh, wait, that would be blaming all of us for the crimes of a few and you don't believe in that, right?
       Some of you have accurately pointed out the violent crimes perpetuated against you by persons who claim to represent our culture. So let us discuss your concerns, your reaction to them, and the results of your actions against us.
       Certain governments in the west, (not mentioning any names) to further their political-economic policies have committed crimes against you. There are a great many of us "progressives" who are sympathetic to your plight and are trying to peacefully take down those criminal governments. Also there are many organizations of like-minded people among us who would love to stop the crimes against you, and work towards a more peaceful world. But there are two things which prevent us from succeeding.
      1. Everytime some shithead from your side kills somebody from our side, the shitheads from our side use it as an excuse to crack down on our rights and freedoms. And every time some shithead from our side sends a drone to kill a wedding party or cause some other "collateral damage" to your side, the shitheads from your side use it as an excuse to send more stupid, ignorant suicide bombers to blow us up. It does not even matter who started it; it has been going on for so long that the shitheads on either side have taken control.
      2. The other problem that prevents us from solving this problem is your religion. You think it is so absolute that it is above criticism. Well, our side believes in freedom of speech and so we try to use words, instead of swords, to defend ourselves. No belief system is above criticism, including ours, so you are free to criticize our beliefs, but with words, not threats of violence.
       The shitheads on our side often try to restrict our freedom of speech, the same freedom of speech that we have been trying to use to stop the crimes our shitheads have been perpetuating against you, and they are using your violence against our innocents as their excuse to do so.
       We still believe in freedom of religion, but apparently you do not. So far, I am trying to maintain cultural sensitivity here, and so far I still believe in freedom of religion, but when I am faced with a religion that claims to be absolutely the only religion allowed and is so far above criticism that it can justify killing people who believe in freedom of speech and religion, then maybe I might have to rethink my "liberalism" about your religion.
       My progressive brothers and sisters are waging a non-violent, anti-war against the shitheads on both sides of this cultural divide. If your religion was so divine and perfect, the majority of you would be joining us in our non-violent struggle against the bad-apples on both sides, and together we could solve your political-economic problems. But if you cannot do that, then your religion will be disgraced forever, as an impediment to world peace.
      Remember, I am addressing this rant to all political religions, not just one. And consider this, if the 12 martyrs hadn't died in Paris yesterday, I would not have felt compelled to write this rant. Instead I would be continuing my verbal attacks against the shitheads in my department. That is another thing wrong with your religion, you think you are so righteous that you waste time attacking our culture when you should be seriously questioning the beliefs of your own culture. That is what we do here because we do not claim to be perfect.

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